Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Romanian Squad

When I've first applied to Cambridge for a PhD (2008) I was the only one in my generation to do so. I've contacted a Romanian PhD student in the Computer Laboratory to ask him about life and work there. He told me that he would be happy to have another Romanian colleague at Cambridge as he thought he was the only one in the department.

Well.. what do you know? In my MPhil we are 4 Romanians out of 40 students! They said that for this master they took the best around the world. Well, if 10% are Romanians I must say Romania is one of the smartest countries, which is great. I must mention anyway that I am one generation older than my other colleagues and another Romanian actually studied in England and actually he is 2 generations younger, so basically there is a huge coincidence in this year. However, Romania rulz :)

P.S. Clearly we have a lot of Chinese as well.. but that's just common these days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice ! I told you that there's a genius hiding in you !